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Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:18 pm
by purple5ive
The change in weather that everyone has been waiting for was finally here.
We headed for Our first ever beach launch off flinders.
A comedy of rookie errors see us bogged on the beach on an outgoing tide.
We eventually got it all sorted and was on our way out to the western entrance of Westernport Bay. Our target The Krakens that lurk in these waters!
Started out very slowly and eventually started to get a few here and there. And then out of nowehere school of couta came through and I lost 2 harimitsu jigs one after the other. :o_0:
Then came a decent 35cm hood, gave me a good run on the Emeraldas outfit. And then another decent 35 hood that my rookie cousin managed to loose while netting. (his excuse, I didn’t realise the squid were this heavy)
And then finally The kracken itself took a liking to my jig. The only other time I have hooked something this big was last year and I managed to loose it due to rookie error, this time I made sure I didn’t hit the spot lock button, tighten the drag or yank at the rod thinking it was a massive starfish…. After a good 7-8 minutes of massive lunges and my arm cramping up, we finally got the monster next to the net, netting was easy as it was well spent by this stage…
This is also My PB @ 43cm
Finshed the Day with 16 Squirters..


Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:22 pm
by Nude up
That’s a ripper and a great photo

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:34 pm
by Lightningx
Sounds like you guys had a great day on the water!
Great bag of squid and congrats on your new PB!
That really is a beauty mate. Nice work :a_goodjob: :thumbsup:

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:41 pm
by matari
looks like you had a very nice outing good job

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:27 pm
by smile0784
Holy crap

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:20 pm
by Yota
:thumbsup: That’s a kraker kraken

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:08 am
by fishingvic
Nice kraken Steve! They put up a great fight at that size.

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:47 am
by Misheen
What are the dos and donts when launching from flinders?

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:20 am
by repspec
dont get bogged would be a good start...

Re: Squid Meeee!! The kracken.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:52 am
by purple5ive
Cheers lads,
i certainly couldnt believe the size when i seen it come up to the surface!

Jon - it peeled off line in some massive lunges, as i mentioned earlier its my second one this size and i made sure to take it nice and easy...

i must say i never though squid would fight so hard, its more so the amount of weight on them is what makes it harder for me anyway.

we lost a few good squid at the boat due to rookie fishermen, small bream sized landing nets and just general stupidity :down:

as for launching at flinders.
make sure you are well prepared for a beach launch, dont waste time ******* around trying to undo straps and work out who is going to do what after you have backed the trailer into the beach.. bigggg rookie mistake as the trailer will sink ahahahaha..

make sure you have a proper beach launch wheel/jockey wheel and a snatch strap
and most of all dont even attempt beach launch without a capable 4x4.

im lucky to come back from there with just a broken jockey wheel from this outing, it could have ended up real bad..