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Carp on fly

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:40 pm
by safia
Bit of a late report from the other day.

With a few hours to waste and the sun finally making a appearance, I took it upon myself to dust off the fly rod and ready Bjorn for a bit of a escapade in search of a few carp on fly.

On arrival at our location I discovered that the water conditions were less than ideal, with little to no transparency. So this ruled out the possibility of sight casting them.

A little disheartened I decided to do a quick lap to calm Bjorn and look for any tell tale signs of carp around (disturbances in the water like kicked up sediment, bubbles from feeding and wakes/boils in the water cause by movement)
During the lap I found a prime little cove with an overall depth of about 40cm which really helped with the visibility issue and magnify any disturbances. Within a few casts I had a carp slowly swimming behind inspecting the black wooly bugger as I did short sharp stripes of line. After following it for around 5 seconds (which felt like a life time) the carp disappeared back into the murk, pausing out of frustration and turning to see what Bjorn was up too then Zing! took it on the pause! by far the best fight I have had on the fly rod and carp are truly a dirty fighting fish.
After landing the first carp I put more emphasis on the pause during my retrieve. I landed another carp lost a further 3 until my spot was compromised by a hungry pelican that was literally stealing the fish of the end of my line. All in all, a great day.

Re: Carp on fly

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:57 pm
by mazman
Nice work, what's the combo you use for carp?

Re: Carp on fly

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:24 pm
by safia
Thanks.Combos 4# wildfish wind warrior, sage 1830 reel, Rio trout lt

Re: Carp on fly

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:43 pm
by mazman
no wonder they fought hard. did the short rod help or would 9ft be fine?

Re: Carp on fly

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:56 pm
by barra mick
Thats a great report...

Thanks for something different

Cheers bm

Re: Carp on fly

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:30 pm
by Rod Bender
Great report! I want to have a go at fly fishing one day and the carp in the local channels will provide me with practice.

Re: Carp on fly

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:42 am
by kiwi
carp on a fly rod are awesome to catch , if you want a fish that will pull and expose the backing on the fly reel that has never seen the light of day .
I used to do a trip to NZ every year and to get myself back into the swing of playing big fish on fly i would go down to a muddy puddle and throw some bread on the water to get the carp feeding and then cast a bread fly into the middle of them , and then hang on . they are also good for testing your gear ,finding how much pressure a small hook can take , and how much pressure you can put on your line before it breaks , and if you lose one it doesn't really matter .
so if you want some fun then get out there and and give it a go and watch the smile grow when you hook up

cheers kiwi

Re: Carp on fly

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:22 pm
by ChrisD
I really must get myself a fly rod and give it a go - sounds like a load of fun