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Belated Cowes report

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:13 pm
by Leonard
Hi all,

My apologies first of all for how late this report comes. I’ve been grieving the $400 combo dragged off Cowes pier by what I presume to be a ray!

Anyway, we stayed in Cowes from the 18th to the 24th of April and I went fishing off the pier on most days on and after sunset.

I tried for squid each day with no luck. I suppose I missed the season? We did however manage a 38cm whiting just off the front of the pier. Seems like many larger whiting were being caught in that part of the bay around April and I presume this was to breed after gutting it. I’ll throw them back when they’re big around that time of year in future now that I know... It cooked up well regardless and the head made for such a good bait that a ray wanted to take my whole rod with it! And yes, my drag was set low.

Other than the whiting we managed many little wrasse around the pylons and a little pinkie.

I’d never been before but understood the right side of the pier at the end is best. Unfortunately they were doing works that side while I was there. Any advice on the spot, especially for squid would be greatly appreciated for when I eventually go back! I have a few photos to attach but will have to reduce file size tomorrow before I upload those.


Re: Belated Cowes report

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 11:06 pm
by Sebb
Ouch, always painful to lose rod and reel.
I use folding chair with rod holders to fish piers or those bank fishing rod holders. The kmart/bunnings screw in wall hooks also handy.

I've only been fishing couple times there, no idea about squid there. But I know the little jetty in san remo right by the bridge is popular for squid. Current can be strong there, use like 3.0 or 3.5 jig.

Re: Belated Cowes report

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 7:12 am
by Leonard
Cheers sebb. I did just get one of those chairs thankfully

Re: Belated Cowes report

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:07 am
by Kenle
Used to bag out on makerels and yellow tail scads, only caught small to medium squids there about 3/4 way down the pier on right side. Caught a massive arrow squid there while bringing in a makerel and landed him as he grabbed on and not let go of the fish. Lost heaps of rigs to big eagle rays, and witnessed a old guy pull up a massive pike on metals. Goodluck mate

Re: Belated Cowes report

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:39 am
by e.welch
I remember about 5 years ago I went their in late summer and their was a massive school of whiting that came through I only had squid everyone was catching them on pipies on the left side don’t bother if it’s windy I tried but didn’t get a bite

Re: Belated Cowes report

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:17 am
by Leonard
Cheers e.Welch and Kenle. I was keen to get some yakkas and mackerel but no luck. Good to know about the whiting though.

I remember being able to get yakkas up as far as the docks about 8 years back but haven’t found many since