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Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:39 am
by Andrews
Hey everyone,
I am looking for some advice about chasing PPB flathead using soft plastics on ultra light to light gear.

I purchased a Daiwa Hyper TD Ultra Light 7'2 in 1-2kg paired with a Daiwa Legalis 2000TD 2kg drag running 6lb braid and have found success catching a diverse range of species from thumper garfish to legal silver trevally, snook and even KGW.

I have hit that wall of self-doubt and I'm thinking that the 1-2kg 6lb braid might be a tad light chasing PPB flathead and smaller sub 40cm pinkies.
Last season the bigger flathead were just over 40cm and my 2-4kg rod handled them magically, while the larger pinkies pushed 40cm.

I know the 1-2kg would be able to handle them. Throwing the question to all you experienced fishermen and woman, 1-2kg too light haha?
I'd rather land them for dinner than head home hungry.

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:51 am
by bowl
I use to run 1000 sienna, full spool of 4lb fc rock line.
Flick soft plastics n drift in boat for flathead
. Lots of fun.

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:06 pm
by purple5ive
The Dusky in the video below was landed on 4lb leader on a 1-2Kg rod and Luvias 2004.

Dont underestimate Light line Lure fishing. if you want to keep for a feed, run a bit heavier leader so you dont get Bitten off if the lure is swallowed.
the fish in the video had the lure inside its mouth, i still landed it!
Pinkies, salmon and everything else will be a hoot on the gear you have.

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:23 pm
by ChrisTaylor
It can be done. I mean, you're at risk of losing a fish due to bad luck, or unfriendly structure ... but it can be done. The pinkies are more likely to give you trouble than the flathead, but even then you should be okay so long as they don't beeline for pylons or etc before you can turn them around.

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:33 pm
by mazman
Definitely no need to worry about the flathead on a lighter rod, I would bump the leader up to around 8lb just for a bit of abrasion resistance. As for the pinkies it depends on where you are a fair bit, generally in open water I'm confident up to around 50cm with the ul setup. Once they get over that a 2-4kg is my pick for the open water, if you are in heavy structure and need to crank them out I generally bump it up a rod class.

This depends a bit on how much pressure you're willing to put on, I tend to push my rods a fair bit harder than most people when I think I need to

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:34 pm
by Andrews
Thank you all for the great advice, you've eased my concerns with being too light!

I agree with changing my 6lb fc leader to a 8lb fc leader, I think that extra resistance couldn't go astray fishing landbased majority from a pier.
The pinkies will be the real test, last year pretty much all of them ran away from the pier into the deeper water, I'll play it by ear at this poin, I think the 1-2kg will be fine but having the 2-4kg on hand never hurts.

Again thank you all for the advice!

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 1:40 pm
by purple5ive
You will be fine mate.
The TD hypers are a quite stiff rod, plus you have the length to your advantage,
stick it to em i say!!!
the guides are quite small on them, so learn to tie the FG and you will be smiling when the reel is crying ;-)

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:18 pm
by ronan
I've got the exact same setup as you and it works fine for everything, definitely not too light, more fun if anything.

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 5:55 pm
by Andrews
Thanks for the recommendation purple5ive, always wanted to learn fg knots and replace the current doubke unis.

Great hearing that Ronan, all I've got to do now is catch them, haha!

Re: Flathead on Ultra Light Gear

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:08 pm
by purple5ive
Defenitely run an FG on those micro guides.
Or keep the leader knot outside the guides.
Fg is easy to tie once tou have some practice.

I've been meaning to do a video of it soon, but just haven't had the time yet.