Stuff that happens while fishing

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by ducky » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:26 pm

Last weekend I was at a mates house for a BBQ and celebration for his baby shower. He has an amazing array of expensive toys. He had just taken delivery of a megabass racing condition 8-24lb rod and a high speed 2510 morethan branzino which are apparently damn near impossible to get. He loaded it up for me. Locked the drag down tight. A few short sharp pulls the 20lb leader let go. So he grabbed the mainline and kept loading it up. This thing had so much balls when POP!! someone opened a bottle of champagne. For a brief second about 6 grown men **** themselves. haha

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by Tyler » Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:03 pm

I havent read all of the thread but I doubt I'm alone on this one.

Was too keen to get fishing, launched the boat, pulled the trailer out while my girlfriend at the time held the boat, jumped out of the car and realised the boat was sitting super low in the water... Yep I'd left the bung out.
To top it off after bailing all the water out I finished the day with donuts while my ex caught 2 fish.

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by Moffo » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:04 pm

So this happened last week, on a squiding pier of PPB.....

Me and a mate went for a fish in WP for nothing besides a leatherjacket, mullet and a couple of big puffers... we left earlier than we earlier planned as we decided to stop for a squid in PPB on the way back up north.

Anyway, we're stood on this pier casting away, when two other blokes (later found out to be ok fellas) came casting next to us. About 5 minutes later, some arse clown comes marching down the pier, in his half rolled down wetsuit, hand spear in tow, and starts to hurl abuse at these two other blokes. The tip of the spear was about a foot away from my leg, so I calmly asked him to move it, he responded with "I aint talking to you". I explained i understood this and asked him again to remove the spear. Anyway, after a quick few words after him refusing 3 times to remove the spear away from my leg, he left, hopped in his little football mums car and buggered off. Mind you, this was approx 1:00AM in the morning, christ knows what he was thinking.

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by dezza68 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:31 pm

Many years ago I was fishing off the keyside with my dad up in Scotland. It was pub kick out time but still broad daylight as it is up there in summer. My dad gets a bite and hooks into something, a bunch of beered up Scots start cheering my dad on as hes battling to bring this monster up from the deep in the fast tide. After about 5 mins he gets it near the surface, by this time there are fifty people who have all left the pub trying to get a look at my dads monster fish. A groan comes up from the crowd as they realise he's hooked an old coal sack. My dad just cracked himself laughing as he knew all along and was just playing up for the crowd.
Cast, catch and put it back

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by Scraglor » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:34 pm

dezza68 wrote:Many years ago I was fishing off the keyside with my dad up in Scotland. It was pub kick out time but still broad daylight as it is up there in summer. My dad gets a bite and hooks into something, a bunch of beered up Scots start cheering my dad on as hes battling to bring this monster up from the deep in the fast tide. After about 5 mins he gets it near the surface, by this time there are fifty people who have all left the pub trying to get a look at my dads monster fish. A groan comes up from the crowd as they realise he's hooked an old coal sack. My dad just cracked himself laughing as he knew all along and was just playing up for the crowd.
Hahahaha, that is awesome

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by Scraglor » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:40 pm

I guess I will share one too. Not really while fishing, but while waiting in the boat to get it back on the trailer.

A very well to do, older lady was preparing to get into her shiny new bowrider cruiser, giving all of us in older fishing boats a look as if to say, what are you doing here at my ramp. Anyhow, she had one foot on the ladder, the other on the edge of the boat, but wasnt too confident getting in. Eventually the boat drifted far enough away from the pier that she was doing a serious case of the splits and fell in, disappearing under the water completely.

She then proceeded to stand up, soaking wet and bedraggled, and being low tide, the water at the edge wasnt far above her knees. I have never laughed so hard in my life.

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by Nude up » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:44 pm

Many years ago when I smoked I had just light a cigarette and got a ripper bite 20 mins it comes to the boat a big snapper when I was playing the fish I still had the cigarette my mouth by now the ash is very long all of a sudden the ash falls straight onto the 10kilo mono ping fish gone I was devasted after that I never left a cigarette in my mouth again.

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by DougieK » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:49 pm

Nude up wrote:Many years ago when I smoked I had just light a cigarette and got a ripper bite 20 mins it comes to the boat a big snapper when I was playing the fish I still had the cigarette my mouth by now the ash is very long all of a sudden the ash falls straight onto the 10kilo mono ping fish gone I was devasted after that I never left a cigarette in my mouth again.

Of all the tradgedy in this thread I like this one the best.
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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by scott__henning » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:08 pm

Nude up wrote:Many years ago when I smoked I had just light a cigarette and got a ripper bite 20 mins it comes to the boat a big snapper when I was playing the fish I still had the cigarette my mouth by now the ash is very long all of a sudden the ash falls straight onto the 10kilo mono ping fish gone I was devasted after that I never left a cigarette in my mouth again.
I smell a new Nicorette campaign, I think your onto something!

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Re: Stuff that happens while fishing

Post by Nude up » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:27 pm

My mate bought a new haines 540 he took it to rhyll I took my boat come time to retrieve the boats I get mine on my trailer then went and got in my mates boat and talked him through driving it on the trailer no problems.
Next day we fish I get my boat on my trailer his son backs his trailer down the ramp my mate is confident to drive it on. I am standing with with another mate ready to put the winch strap on, the boat comes on the trailer but is crooked he leaves it in gear but instead of steering the nose of the boat and slowly increasing power to straighten it up he guns it the boat launches itself up and off the trailer my mate next to me caught the bow rail the boat is now balanced sideways on the trailer. I scream at my mate turn the engine off as the prop is about 10 feet in the air.
We thought nothing could get worse wrong we told his son to back down the ramp to get the boat back in the water but he was flustered and the trailer went off the end of the ramp the trailer is now stuck.
I was just about to take my clothes off and try and lift the trailer back on the ramp when the workmen installing the third lane of the ramp who ran for cover, had a professional diver and a crane offered to get the trailer which we took up. We finally get the trailer back on the ramp and my mate turns up still shaking he wants me to put the boat on the trailer I remember thinking don't fu@k this up now I realised why my mate gunned the boat the suzuki had a sticking point in the throttle I got the boat on the trailer a couple off slabs to the guys putting in the new ramp. Quick inspection of the boat mo damage just a bruised ego.
Needless to say the boat went back to jv they fixed the throttle and my mate learnt a great lesson and now is very good at driving his boat on his trailer.

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