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Re: Devilbend reservoir

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:55 pm
by pwalnuts
Anyone been down here lately? Thinking of going down there again soon but wondering if the weed is any better and if fish are being caught?

Re: Devilbend reservoir

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:13 pm
by pwalnuts
Fished here again today for a few hours, was throwing Tassie Devils in pink colours mostly. Donut!

Re: Devilbend reservoir

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:51 pm
by Basti
thought i might as well add to this thread instead of starting a new one. Went for a quick walk this morning with the spin rod. spotted two small rises and one big one, a 20cm redfin eating a bronzy fish almost too big to fit n its mouth. Thought it was an EP fingerling and was sad. Came across some splashing and surface activity in the THICK loose weed that the wind had collected under the bridge so threw a weedless plastic around for a bit but garnered no interest. Saw a flash of orange on one of the rises. I realised on the next "rise" that it was a large (~30cm) goldfish/koi spawning amongst a school of normal coloured carp. there's carp in the lake. bugger. the place is going from strength to strength. gave up and went home

Re: Devilbend reservoir

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:25 pm
by brycieboy
i have also been spending a few hours a week at devil bend... still no luck...

Re: Devilbend reservoir

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:48 pm
by Brett
The place was empty today, which surprised me, wish I had of taken a rod in the car, when I went to Hastings now.