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An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:50 am
by Bugatti
Those succulent Blue Swimmer Crabs are starting to fire here in South Australia, so Wednesday afternoon, evening looked the goods for a session on the planks of Semaphore Jetty.

A friend who has come Crabbing with me a few times has asked if I could make them a simple trolley with trays/compartments/tubs to cart her stuff with. When she does come Crabbing with me, she looks like an overly happy lady struggling to carry 7 people's worth of stuff, forever picking up things she has dropped every 2 metres. So, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to put a prototyped occy strapped sack-truck trolley through its paces. So the Bugatti Kart stayed home for this trip.

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Arrived and dropped the nets in and the local Sea-lion turned up to check out if the Crabs dinner was wort stealing, lucky for me, he , , , , oups sorry Mrs sea-lion, lucky for me she thought someone else's offerings looked a bit more appetising.

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A band of three kids, almost like Huckleberry Finn and his two cohorts were enjoying the afternoon too. They got a bit unstuck, with their Crab Nets getting unstuck, I offered them a few cable ties and a bit later, presto fixeded.

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An awesome story that The Crab Hunter (the nickname of one of the kids because of , , , , hold on, I don't want to ruin the story. This kid had his Father's Navy Knife, in a woven pouch and he wore it with pride and was like The Crocodile Hunter wrangling Crabs, hence, The Crab Hunter :-D

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Well, the afternoon's proceedings were cruising along nicely, a few Crabs were doing what they do best , , , , getting sucked-in into standing in my Crab Nets, thinking that I was such a nice bloke to leave some fish heads out for them , , , , wrong :te: , , , , up you come

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Then a Fishcare Volunteer Trio showed up and had a great conversation with them as I kept fleecing Free Crab Measures from them. 4 in total :-D

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Then something way out of the blue. Off on the distance, a ship looked like it had a very very smokey smoke stack. Not sure what that was all about. But about half hour to an hour we noticed it as it was working it's way out of the Shipping Channel kilometres out at sea and either drifted or made it's way to the shallows. Never seen a large ship in that shallow. Then Bing Bang Boop, some tugs came and towed, pushed it back out to deeper water then into the Harbour.

The picture is deceiving, it was very close.

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Then as if the afternoon couldn't throw any more surprises our way. Klinga Klinga, Bongo Bongo, Hare Hare , , , , up walking to the end of the Jetty were two individuals , , , , two Hare Krishna joyfully sharing , , , , not sure what they were sharing but they seemed ever so happy to share it

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It was a great afternoon and evening, made even nicer with the company of a lovely young couple with whom we spent our time together and had a great Ol' time.

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And, as a bonus, we all ended up with more than enough Blue Swimmer Crabs :tu:

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Cheers, Bugatti

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:14 am
by Bugatti
Boil away my little Beauties

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Getting there

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Aaaah, what's the word I'm looking for , , , , Yum , , , , yep that's it.
Hey Mr Crab, stop looking at me :)

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Cheers, Bugatti

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:11 am
by denis barden
Lou King Good
Top gear for my Gout

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 6:30 am
by fishnut
Now im a bit green not living there

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:11 am
by Kenle
Excellent read Bugs, man I love S.A only for thier crabbing and fishing, everything else is pretty quiet. I used to hit up Grange Jetty I think it was called and catch a whole mix bag of crabs and fish even squid. While we waited for the crabs to congregate in our nets I'd throw out a couple lines and have a blast on some huge sand whiting and bream. Might be time for me to visit soon, enjoy the feed mate, it looks deliciouse. :ch:

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:08 am
by Fishbref
Nice and bloody tasty lookin'!

Young fella went from knife to khol or is the colour match a koinkidink, 'cos they're certainly on opposite ends of wannados...

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:23 am
by Lightningx
Very nice mate!!! Got a great feed there!
Those blue swimmers in the warmer months bring back a lot of memories for me.
But we used to rake for them and in the winter months we would use the nets from Brighton jetty and get some big sand crabs. The fish and chips at the shop at the end of the pier used to taste amazing after standing in the cold for sometime.
Cheers :tu:

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 11:01 am
by smile0784
A meal fit for a king and a great story to go along with it.

Got to love me bugs reports

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:01 am
by Bugatti
Thanks Denis.

You're right about the gout but some people seem immune. Don's Mum eats as many as she wants and the only thing she gets is , , , , half the crab on her face. Bless her sweet heart

Fishnet, we are fortunate with those that's for sure. But a few Jetty Crabbers get red with the argy bargy that happens with the crowds. We were lucky that day, most were behaved

Re: An eventful evening catching South Australian Blue Swimmer Crabs

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 1:08 am
by Bugatti
Thanks kenle, you brought back memories , , , , of when there were fish at Grange. I miss the big plump ocean blue Tommies and Gar from there. Unfortunately, the weed line has moved out to sea, way past the Jetty. Now it's only sand with few spasmodic results.

They sure are tasty, believe me. That kid with that knife. When he told me it was his Father's Navy Knife and he gave it to him, I thought wow, a Dad that knows. He lifted his Son's self worth, kudos to him. And the Dad probably had worked out, you can still drive a car with nine fingers

Cheers, Bugs