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Topping of a great day

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:06 am
by JS270
As planned Graham and I headed down to have a fish after the casting practice at South Barwon where I had a good session casting with my Century Excalibur and the heavier 175 gram leads. We arrived down at the designated spot and met up with Allan who had told us to give this spot a shot as it wa a good place to pick up a few fish. The Wind was coming in strong and was making it a bit difficult for other anglers when we go there, though it wasn't as bad as iotht looked once we got down onto the rocks.

I decided to fish straigh into the rough water instead of fishing on the lee side of the rocks working on the assumption that the fish would be working the rough water looking for a feed. I decided to use my Excalibur EX1000 and through the 6 oz grip leads loaded with whitebait and my CCCLD also throwing 6 oz leads , both with pulley rigs and 4/0 circles. Graham opted for his Century Super match mated up with his Penn Torque 100 and also throwing the heavier weights. The water close in was quite murky so it was planned to land the baits out a little wider on the transition line between the dirty and clean water on the assumption that fish would be working along it.


(Graham and another Angler relaxing out of the wind )

We were expecting Mike to also come down and meet up with us as he wanted to get a few pointers on his cast as well as to try out the spot as well. It was great just being out there with the guys and putting the baits out but we also had a bit of fun on a few fish as well.


(Mike setting up his Century TT Super Match mated up with his Daiwa 7HT mag )

I was first into a few small Banjo sharks followed shortly thereafter with a little Gummy Shark on the Excalibur. This is where I had a bit of an issue as I foolishly hadn't put om my metal coaster and was just using the plastic ones that I have for my comp casting. The strain of pulling in the Gummy and the rig over the rocks was a bit much and the front coaster split under the strain. I can tell you that trying to reel in even a small gummy when your reel is loose on the rod is a funny site for your mates but not so much fun for yourself.
After that mishap I decided to swith to my Century TTLDSM mated up with the Penn Squall loaded with 12 pound Ultima distance, this line is a joy to use when the light conditions start to fade as it high visibility colour allows you to track where the line is at any time.
as luck would have it I had sent this outfit out with a small squid head and was duelly rewarded with a nice run from what looked like a good fish. The fight was an interesting one as the waves were coming in over the front of the rocks and had for some interesting times . The fish turned out to be a smallish sized Eagle ray but as you would know these put up a good account of themselves .After a bit of fun in the rough water and with the greatful help of Graham we ended up with the fish on deck.


( The little Eagle taken on the Century TTLDSM )

Both Graham and I also got a nice Flathead each before I had to leave as I am working this afternnon and had to get back home at a reasonable time. Not sure if Mike and Graham got anything further after I left but it was a great way to top of the day for me.

Will head out again tomorrow after work and hopefully get into a few more fish :D :D

All in all a top day :mrgreen: :mrgreen: