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Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:55 pm
by Wolly Bugger
The reasons the braid gets knots is because of line twist. (Many will disagree and say that braid does not twist, but it does.) Braid is like cotton and it will twist, because it is more supple than mono multiple loops of twisted line will form on one another creating a nightmare.

If you don't believe me, take a small piece of braid and twist it between your fingers, holding one end.

Some call these knots, wind knots, but more correctly wind knots form on the fly line leader when casting.

How does line twist occur?

It occurs mostly on the spinning reels, (egg beaters) more than bait casters.

The first instance is when new line is being put onto the reel, if not done correctly line twist will occur.

The second instance is having a loose drag and continually winding the handle whilst the spool spins on the reel.

The third instance and this applies to bait casters (overheads) as well, is using a lure that spins, a lure that foul hooks itself onto the line will spin causing the line to twist.

How do you get rid of the line twist?

The simplest method, if you know someone with a boat, is to let the line out behind the boat as it travels along and then wind the line back in with a tight drag.

Another method is to go somewhere, where there is a current, for example Rosebud pier, let your line out in the current, using a small float on the end and a swivel, then reel it back in, again with a tight drag.

The third method is to find an open area, that does not have high people animal traffic and walk the line off the reel, then walk along the line holding the line between your fingers pushing the twist out. It may take a few attempts.

The fourth method, is dump the line and put fresh line on.

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:13 pm
by CarlG
Never had line twist cause me an issue with braid.

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:20 pm
by Wolly Bugger
CarlG wrote:Never had line twist cause me an issue with braid.
Whats your secret?

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:01 pm
by Drifta-X
Good Braid and line management skilz!

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:25 pm
by mazman
the method where you let the line out on a boat can be done in a river as well

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:23 am
by purple5ive
Line twists will never cause wind knots imho. I've always had line twist if using spinners. Wins knots only happen if line is over spooled. Bad line management (like winding in slack line in very windy conditions) or if the reel on your spool Hasnt been adjusted properly for even line lay.
Once there's loose line on the spool. The next cast the tightest line will pick up the loose parts with it as it leaves the spool causing knots known as wind knots.
If you have line severely tapering up to the spool try a washer underneath it. (Washers are usually there in the box when you buy it) then tighten down the drag to max to Set The washer in and then cast and wind back in to adjust line lay...
Its a pita task and having just helped my cousin with this is no easy fix sometimes. ...

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:19 am
by ducky
Purple but the nail on the head. It's either over spooling or loose line that causes the vast majority of wind knots IMO

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:47 am
by Wolly Bugger
ducky wrote:Purple but the nail on the head. It's either over spooling or loose line that causes the vast majority of wind knots IMO
If there is a twist in the line, as soon as it becomes loose (limp) it will wind up on itself and potentially cause a knot. Whilst the line is under tension this prevents the line from winding (curling) up on it self.

Line twist will occur on high quality and low quality lines, braid and mono.

A simple test is too pull some line off the reel and let it loose, if it curls up on itself there is a twist in the line.

Fishing line twist and how to avoid it." onclick=";return false;

What Causes line twist ... revent-it/" onclick=";return false;

Line Twist ... twist.html" onclick=";return false;

Getting the lIne twist out of a spinning reel" onclick=";return false;

Keep a Spinning Reel line Trouble Free ... ouble-Free" onclick=";return false;

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:54 am
by Wolly Bugger
Wolly Bugger wrote:
ducky wrote:Purple but the nail on the head. It's either over spooling or loose line that causes the vast majority of wind knots IMO
If there is a twist in the line, as soon as it becomes loose (limp) it will wind up on itself and potentially cause a knot. Whilst the line is under tension this prevents the line from winding (curling) up on it self.

Line twist will occur on high quality and low quality lines, braid and mono.

A simple test is too pull some line off the reel and let it loose, if it curls up on itself there is a twist in the line.

Fishing line twist and how to avoid it." onclick=";return false;

What Causes line twist ... revent-it/" onclick=";return false;

Line Twist ... twist.html" onclick=";return false;

Getting the lIne twist out of a spinning reel" onclick=";return false;

Keep a Spinning Reel line Trouble Free ... ouble-Free" onclick=";return false;
I should add that I discovered that dragging the line behind the boat with out a lure attached method when I was about 14. My father was a keen trout fisherman and we would use Celta's and Flatfish, Flat fish if a hook fouled on the line would spin as they were trolled along causing the line to develop a large amount of line twist. We also would use cowbells, as well.

One warning is that in areas of large boat traffic, there is a risk of another boat travelling over your line and loosing the line being wrapped around the propeller.

Re: Line twist equal knots in braid

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:04 am
by Wolly Bugger" onclick=";return false;

This youtube video explains about putting line onto a spinning reel.