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Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:59 am
by Master Baiter
Just interesting to see on TV and people in general fishing that when playing a fish they turn to the side with rod in the air which I would think would lead to more dropped fish just my opinion on my past experiences.
I find if the fish leads to the left I roll my wrists to the right which turns the fish and vice versa to the right keeping even tension no sudden jerks I can't ever remember ever dropping a fish fishing this way. My mate dropped two yesterday and he is one holding the rod upright. Just a thought.

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:12 am
by purple5ive
Tight line/staying connected to the fish when reeling in and the right amount of drag is the key. Rod work is also important and so is the type of rod used.

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:16 am
by Rogue_Hunter
I thought the key was for the hook to stay in the fishes mouth .... till landed.

What MasterBaiter is referring to is the angle of the rod whilst fighting the fish, which you kind of touched on when you said "rod work"

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:34 am
by Jeffs_gone_fishing
Just wondering Master Baiter, did your mate pull the hook or did the line snap?

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:52 am
by Master Baiter
Jeffs_gone_fishing wrote:Just wondering Master Baiter, did your mate pull the hook or did the line snap?
I dont know,mine was hook being pulled out wally

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:58 am
by Master Baiter
True but then you can have the perfect rod for the job but if used incorrectly such as holding he rod 2 foot up the shaft losing the effectiveness of the rod for instance you have lost two foot and cushioning.

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:53 am
by purple5ive
The whole point is to land the fish. Regardless of where the hook is. Face mouth fins etc.
Rod work is a personal thing imo
I fish 4lb leaders for bream, pinkies, flathead, salmon etc.
Most times I have my rod held up over my shoulder (not high sticking) in a cantilever like arrangment so my hand along with the rod tip and light drag cushions the head shakes and big runs. The rod moves a lot in my hand
I always face towards where the fish is.

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:44 pm
by barra mick
For some fish that jump like barra and queenies I keep the rod tip very low on the water.
This takes a bit of practise but if the fish has u in a bad spot its a good skill to have

Cheers bm

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:28 pm
by Fishn104
Usually when fishing with light line you try to keep the rods the same way the fish is going. For instance, the fish starts to go right, you lean you rod to the right and likewise the other way. If you hold the rod left and fish is going right, then the hooks might come out or line have line rubbing on the fish. This way you guide them to you as well. Obviously in snaggy situations it's different again. All practise I guess. This is just a suggestion with light line.

Re: Losing fish while playing them on light line.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:57 pm
by andyk
To many trophy fish have been lost from fishing to light , if ya do hook a monster and your trying to be a pop star bad luck its going to end in tears most of the time , every one who fishes wants the big one why put the odds against your self . Only saying no offence to any one.