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Newbie advice - fishing areas and closed season

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 5:38 pm
by Eeyore
Hi All,

I haven't fished since I was a teenager in the UK 25 years ago. I'm looking to start going again and am mainly interested in freshwater. In the long term I'd like to try my hand at fly fishing but before I get too enthusiastic I want to build up some skills with normal tackle. I do have a couple of basic questions that I'm looking for some advice on.

1. Can anyone recommend some good locations in the far east of Melbourne/west Gipsland for a beginner to start with? I'm looking for some locations off the beaten track but with waters open enough that I don't spend all my time untangling my line from bushes. I'm in the Emerald/Gembrook area and am looking for somewhere not too far from home. I'm thinking the Tarago, Latrobe (near Noojee) or the Yarra but I'm really unsure what would be the best starting point for me. (4WD not an issue)

2. Second question is how do I avoid being accidentally fined for fishing in the closed season? I'm planning to go after river black fish or eel (Maybe Carp if they're present) and NOT trout but as a newbie I'm a little concerned about how I prove this? Any advice in this area appreciate - sorry if this is a stupid question.



Re: Newbie advice - fishing areas and closed season

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:05 pm
by 4liters
You should be fine as far as fishing in the closed season goes as long as you don't get caught with an esky full of trout (or a bunch of trout specific lures in your bag). If in doubt just fish in lakes because there's no closed season for spotted carp in lakes and you can keep your bag if you want.

Re: Newbie advice - fishing areas and closed season

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:20 pm
by laneends
No fishing in certain sections of tailrace rivers during closed season ... egulations
Goulburn River below Eildon Pondage (map 1)
Kiewa River (map 2)
Mitta Mitta River (map 3)
Tanjil River (map 4)

Re: Newbie advice - fishing areas and closed season

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:42 pm
by davek
There is a closed season for blackfish
Screenshot (39).png
cheers davo

Re: Newbie advice - fishing areas and closed season

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:21 pm
by MickCov
Being in the Gembrook area is a good start to finding river blackfish.There are streams in your area that hold them and look for over hanging embankments and the more snags in the water the more the blackfish like it.
Try half a scrub worm on small hook and split shot sinkers,very light line.I find them really active this time of the year when the streams have a good flow of water.
Good luck

Re: Newbie advice - fishing areas and closed season

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:35 am
by Eeyore
Thanks all.

Re: Newbie advice - fishing areas and closed season

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:48 am
by Jay375
Eildon and surrounds would be a good starting point, everything a freshwater fisho's could want