Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by sloth » Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:26 am

Tea bagging blades at night at the docks works well, especially in the colder months.

Doesn’t take much - just gentle lifts so you barely feel it vibrate and decent pauses in between lifts.

With the micro vibes mainly looking for them to take it on the drop - wouldn’t bother too much tea bagging those on the bottom. Just drop them down the sides of pylons on an open spool.

For worms - whether it’s isomes, turtlebacks, gulp sand worms or zman wormz it’s worth putting a small stinger hook in the tail rather thank cutting them shorter. Bream will often have a nip at the tail and you’ll catch a lot more with a stinger.

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by Seniorfisho » Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:52 pm

Laze wrote:
Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:14 pm
greggo wrote:
Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:21 pm
The way the Yarra is at the moment, dirty and fresh, keeps the fish on the bottom.

By far the most productive method for the Docks is using the Ecogear VX 35 or the Strikepro A18 vibes. Drop it next to a pylon and give it a couple of quick lifts (about 200mm max) and then pause. Repeat at least 30 or more times, remembering to pause. This method in dirty water has accounted for huge numbers being taken.

I fished there from the yak on Saturday for snapper and was kicking myself for not chucking in my vibe lure box!
Right, will focus much more time on each pylon. Any idea if this works anytime of the day? I usually head out in the dead of night or really early morning (quite dark).
No mate, specifically the turtleback in pumpkinseed

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by IFISHALOT » Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:17 pm

This video will hopefully help you with the Micro Vibes
Associated with Strike Pro, Jigstar, Daiichi, Lumica, Mapso, Bushranger Lures, Eureka Lures, Senshi, Sax Scent, TiCA, Victory Knives, Tonic Sunglasses & McLaughlin's Bait[url]

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by Laze » Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:58 am

Headed down to the docks late last night into the early morning, first opportunity this week and I sure know how to pick them. Had to brace everytime the gale approached in the distance haha. Anyways, still donuts but some minor improvements, had some bites at least. One on an aqua prawn rigged to 1/16 jig, the other on a live worm from the compost (why not ey?). All went dead after peak low tide. I did notice something pretty cool - breaching in the water followed by a whoosh, did not expect to hear and see a dolphin in the heart of the docks! Hopefully the weather calms down for round 2 tonight.
Rock hopper, sand dragger, mud slinger.

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by Laze » Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:57 pm


So it's Wednesday night, work is finished for the week (short weeks are always the best, particularly on night shift).
I check the weather forecast, typical Melbourne, beautiful sunny days during the week, rain during the weekend.
Not like the fish worry about getting wet!
Do I go tonight or in the morning? Stuff it I'll go in the morning, not like I ever catch anything from Docklands anyways!
I get up, get on the wet weather gear and hope in the car.
GREAT, peak hour traffic, that's alright, the price of freedom :ch: .
I make it down to the docks quarter to 8, peak of high tide.
Conditions are crap for being out and about, but bloody good for fishing - overcast, light winds, with a drizzle of rain building into heavier downpour.
With rod and net in hand I lock the car and trudge down to the water's edge.
The rod is ready to go with a micro vibe from the last session, fresh yabby scent applied and away she goes.
Drop 'em down the pylon, hit bottom, slack line, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.........
Small light jerk, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10........
Reel back up, rinse and repeat.
All routine, all donuts, such is life as a docklands lure fisherman, for me anyways.

I'm into my sixth pylon, and drop the line down, it hits the bottom and I'm daydreaming staring at the waters surface, no doubt picturing fish everywhere.
Two tiny tugs and I strike and reel, nothing, damn what could that have been?
I reel up to the top anyways and low and behold a tiny goby about the size of the lure.


Not exactly what I was going for but I do enjoy seeing what life the docks can hold, greedy little bugger.
Today feels different, like a good omen from the fish gods themselves throwing me a bone.
The pressure is off, no donuts today :rf: .
Life goes on, I drop down more pylons, and I resume daydreaming while the rain drizzles.
There is something very serene about a light non stop drizzle.
Rod in hand, I'm just about to reel back in and I feel some proper little tugs, could it be?
I strike and reel and feel a heavier weight, THIS COULD BE IT?
I'm almost at the top and see leader but nothing much is fighting, maybe a flatty?
My adrenaline is pumping, I don't care I just want a fish!
A glimpse of silver and finally some heads rolls, a bream, OH MY GOD.
I fumble for the net, slide it into the water and lead the bream in, one pull up and I've got it.
It's on the deck, and the lure is already out but it doesn't matter!!!!! :bn:

IMG_20211112_084722-min (1).jpg

I'm absolutely buzzing, a 25cm bream! It wasn't about the size, it was setting out and catching the target species after trying for a year.
STOKED! :ft:
After a couple photos I release the little fella.


Needless to say I kept on fishing for four hours.
Rain, overcast and an outgoing tide really turned the fish on.
These were the same pylons I always dropped down on but there were bream and they were willing to strike.
The takes were still extremely slow and soft but the pylons I had been hitting for months and months were giving me hits.
I think they liked sucking on the yabby scent paste I applied to the lures as they would slowly pull away after holding on.
At one point I flicked the lure behind the pylon and floating dock, it couldn't have been a better cast.
I was pulling out slack line for the vibe to drop from the rod tip as the rain was causing the line to stick to the rod.
I noticed the excess line slow but assumed it was dragging against the pylon.
The line stopped, so I put the rod back in my hand and waited.
Pulled up the slack line and went for a light bounce, but felt like I was snagged.
started reeling up and found considerable weight but it was coming up! I'M ON AGAIN.
This felt bigger, I reeled and saw my leader and a huge silver flash.
Another beautiful bream!! This time he wasn't having it and tried pulling me under the platform.
Luckily I had the net next to me and after a couple back and forths got him in and on the deck.
What a BEAUTY.

A 32-33cm chunky bream.
Am I dreaming?

I dropped a couple more times after, ended up getting a really good hit, but the line was wrapped or rubbing on something and snapped off when I saw leader, I was gutted.
But that's fishing, and I didn't care I was on top of the world.
I was rewarded with one tiny bream before I shot off back to the car.

3/4 bream landed.
Needless to say, the micro vibes work and I'll be back the next overcast rainy day.
Wish I could have kept going but I didn't want a parking fine!
Rock hopper, sand dragger, mud slinger.

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by Seniorfisho » Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:09 pm

Well done, persistance paid off. You should also try to just raise the vibe about 6inches off the ground and tap the rod but vigorously for a few seconds and then let it hit the ground, wait 10 seconds and repeat

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by Charles7 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 2:47 pm

Well done mate, good to see someone having some success after a long stint of dogged persistence.

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by Sebb » Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:13 pm

Well done :tu:
How was the water clarity?
Now you know how to get them. Remember the condition, the time, the water clarity, etc. Next time you go, keep notes of the condition and compare the results.
A fish is a fish :ft:
No fish is worth a life, stay safe

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by greggo » Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:48 pm

Well done mate you're persistence certainly paid off.
Your next problem will be dealing with your Docks addiction, mine lasted about 10 years!

What Sebb said x2.

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Re: Melbourne's worst bream fisherman

Post by Laze » Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:33 am

Sebb wrote:
Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:13 pm
Well done :tu:
How was the water clarity?
Now you know how to get them. Remember the condition, the time, the water clarity, etc. Next time you go, keep notes of the condition and compare the results.
Fairly dirty, not chocolate but not far off.
Rock hopper, sand dragger, mud slinger.

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